'Help us be whole,' its voice writhed. 'Make us unending.'
January 2037. A new miracle drug, donepezil endochloride, is made available to practitioners specialising in dementia care. The drug is the first medicine ever to effectively halt the progression of the disease.
February 2037. In care homes across the country, a number of people living with dementia begin to die in extraordinary circumstances. Post-mortem investigations suggest that in each case, something has burrowed its way out of the victims' brains.
March 2037. Isaac Foreman is brought the Shoreditch Respite Centre by his "grandchildren", Steven and Dodo.
April 2037. Isaac Foreman disappears…
Featuring the first Doctor, this short story takes place between the TV stories The Ark and The Celestial Toymaker.
The Auton Invasion is over. UNIT is clearing out the shop window dummies. Life continues as normal, for most people. The newly-regenerated Doctor, however, struggles to find purpose.
Itching for action and a way to regain his lost memories, the Doctor, accompanied by his new assistant, Liz Shaw, escapes Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart's close watch and visits UNIT's Nestene recovery operation at Madame Tussauds'.
But the museum's curator has his own plans. Suddenly, the Doctor and Liz are kidnapped and the museum is destroyed. While the Brigadier and UNIT scramble to find answers, the Doctor finds himself at the mercy of someone who knows him of old.
Someone the Doctor no longer remembers. Someone who wants the TARDIS…
Featuring the third Doctor, Liz Shaw, UNIT and the War Chief, this novella takes place between the TV stories Spearhead From Space and Doctor Who and the Silurians.
Featuring the third Doctor and Jo Grant, this whimsical double-drabble takes place between the TV stories Carnival of Monsters and Frontier in Space.
Christmas Eve 1974. The Doctor and UNIT's Christmas festivities are spoiled when the Master decides to crash the party. But this time the villain wants to be caught...
January 1975. The Master tells the Doctor and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart of a chilling secret: the Daleks are coming! The Master insists he can stop the invasion, but the Doctor has his suspicions. Is the Master honestly trying to help his old enemies, or is he orchestrating a deeper plot? Are the Daleks truly invading the Earth, or do they have an even darker agenda? And who else wants the Master dead? The final checkmate between two rivals is about to strike, and this time not everyone will survive…
Featuring the third Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith, UNIT and the Master, this novella takes place between the TV stories The Monster of Peladon and Planet of the Spiders.
While en route to Earth to answer the Brigadier's summons, the TARDIS falls through a time crack.
The Doctor, Sarah Jane, and Harry manage to arrive but discover the Earth has changed since their last visit. A vast red sun drenches the skies in bloody light, creatures of fragmented glass roam feeding from solid seas of black algae, and old UNIT friends hide as refugees or mindlessly serve the planet's new ruler... a ruler who calls himself the Master. But what has caused this change in history? What force has shattered the sky? What are the Fractures and the fearsome Spire? What are the ailing Master's true ambitions?
And why is the Doctor to blame for his enemy's triumph?
Featuring the fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith, Harry Sullivan, Mike Yates, UNIT, and the Master, this novella takes place between the TV stories Revenge of the Cybermen and Terror of the Zygons, and after the audio book The Killing Stone.
Summer 1976. A series of inexplicable world-wide earthquakes and volcanic eruptions has put the planet on high alert. Nowhere is safe. UNIT is desperate for answers.
Recalled to Earth, the Doctor and are Sarah Jane reunited with the Brigadier and UNIT who find themselves working with the unlikeliest of allies in a quest to discover the cause of the ecological upheaval.
But when the Master returns and the Doctor disappears, Sarah Jane, the Brigadier, and their friends find themselves stranded and helpless.
But how has the moribund Master gained such new and great power? What is the ancient secret he seeks to uncover?
While the world bleeds and reality itself burns, this time the Master may at last succeed in unleashing total chaos and destruction upon the cosmos…
Featuring the fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith, UNIT, and the Master, this novella takes place between the TV stories The Seeds of Doom and The Masque of Mandragora, and after the short story The Duke of Dominoes.
Featuring the seventh Doctor, this short story takes place after Survival.
Featuring the eighth Doctor, this short story takes place after the TV Movie.
Featuring Richard E. Grant's "nth" Doctor, this short story takes place after Scream of the Shalka.
'I'm regenerating! And I've been regenerating for the last six months of this bleeding war!'
The Time Lord Empire is set to fall. A series of Dalek sneak attacks that defied the very Laws of Time have decimated the Empire's fighting forces.
And after the Doctor, upon whom many had pinned all their hopes, returns from Arcadia a changed man, the sufferer of a failed regeneration, even the Imperiatrix despairs, speaking to her people of retreat and ascension.
But the Time Lords' Celestial Intervention Agency is not prepared to give up the fight just yet. Its newly-appointed head, Co-ordinator Babel, believes that he has found a way to produce new, battle-ready troops as quickly as the Daleks can.
The answer lies in the Matrix, where Babel's 'Perfect Warriors' sleep…
Featuring the eighth and ninth Doctors, this 'snapshot adventure' takes place prior to Rose.
Featuring the eighth and ninth Doctors, this short story takes place prior to Rose.
Sam Tyler had an accident and woke up in 1973. He had no idea if he was mad, in a coma, or actually back in time.
No idea, that is, until the latest Doctor Who from the telly climbed in through his bedroom window with a favour to ask...
Featuring Sam Tyler and Gene Hunt from Life on Mars, the Master, the Ogrons, and the third and ninth Doctors, this crossover adventure takes place prior to Rose.
March 2006. Brigadier-General Sir Alastair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart watches with the world as the UK government declares Earth's first interplanetary war. He also watches as a grinning man in a leather jacket enters 10 Downing Street, along with UNIT's top officers, to deal with the growing crisis. The next morning the UNIT officers are dead and an explosion has destroyed 10 Downing Street. Recalled into active service to officiate in the chaos, Lethbridge-Stewart receives a visit from the man he saw on the news; a man who knows him as 'the Brigadier'. A man with a new face…
Brought together by danger once again, the Doctor and the Brigadier, with their old friends John Benton and Mike Yates, journey to London. Upon arrival at the bomb site, they discover the UNIT soldiers on guard are dead and that there are signs of life within the blast zone. Could it be that Earth is not yet safe from the Slitheen?
Featuring the ninth Doctor and UNIT, this short story takes place during World War Three.
In the aftermath of their encounter with the Dalek in 2012 Utah and their near-disastrous friendship with Adam at Satellite Five in the year 200,000, the Doctor decides to take Rose on what he calls 'a trip down memory lane'. After a whirlwind tour of the Doctor's past, Rose decides to ask him about the Time War. At first the Time Lord offers little information, as usual, but when his companion wonders if anything else could have survived the conflict, the Doctor risks a return glimpse; for if one Dalek could have survived the Time War, then so could its creator…
Featuring the ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler and Davros, this short story takes place between the TV stories The Long Game and Father's Day.
After her harrowing experience with her father, Rose wanders the TARDIS Wardrobe Room looking for an image makeover. Suddenly the ship grows cold and a dark laughter echoes. Rose tries to escape her unseen attacker, but is drawn into the darkness…
Meanwhile, the Doctor also senses danger, and journeys to a forgotten corner of the TARDIS, to the place where his friend has been taken, a place of darkness that he sealed long ago.
A place where someone hides, under the stairs…
Featuring the ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler and the Master, this short story takes place between the TV stories Father's Day and The Empty Child.
The TARDIS lands at the Martian South Pole in the mid-35th century. Upon exploring, Rose discovers strange creatures embedded in silver crystals on the walls. When the creatures attack Rose and drag her beneath the ice surface, the Doctor and Jack race to find her, only to be found first by a visiting troop of Ice Warriors. But it seems the Warriors have their own mission: a scientific expedition to the South Pole has gone missing and there are reports of monsters hiding in the icy shadows.
Creatures of silver metal, and ones the Doctor knows of old…
Featuring the ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Captain Jack Harkness, the Ice Warriors and the Cybermen, this two-part adventure takes place between the TV stories The Doctor Dances and Boom Town.
Featuring the ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Captain Jack Harkness and Iris Wildthyme, this short story takes place between the TV stories The Doctor Dances and Boom Town.
Sarah Jane Smith is about to die alone, high above the Earth and in the cold of space. But then she hears a sound he has not heard for many years, and one she never thought to hear again…
Featuring the ninth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith and UNIT, this short story takes place during The Parting of the Ways.
May 2009. The world is in the throes of a financial crisis the likes of which it hasn't seen since the 1930s.
But it shouldn't be; at least, not according to the Doctor, whose knowledge of 21st century economics is, to quote him, 'brilliant.'
And so with Donna, Sylvia and Netty off enjoying a hard-earned spot of R&R, the Doctor drags the unwilling Wilfred Mott off on quest to find the real cause of the so-called 'Credit Crunch.'
And guess what? Turns out it was 'them aliens' again...
Featuring the tenth Doctor and Wilfred Mott, this short story takes place shortly after the novel Beautiful Chaos.
Typset in Arial, Assiduous, Baskerville, Cheltenham Bold, Dalek, Deviant Strain, Franklin Gothic Extra Condensed, Gazz Regular, FuturaDisD, Morpheus, Tahoma & Verdana.
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