










 (ISBN 1-84435-097-5)




 Tibet. 1917. An ancient

 evil, perhaps older

 than time itself, is

 stirring deep within

 the heart of the

 Himalayas. It has

 always known it

 will return and finish

 off what it started

 so many centuries



 But the time has to be



 As the TARDIS

 materialises, with 

 the Doctor

 determined to take

 full advantage of an

 invite to a cricket

 match, the catalyst

 that the dark forces

 need unwittingly



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The Roof of

the World

JULY 2004







It is a shame that the great team of Peter Davison, Nicola Bryant and Caroline Morris are dealt such an inconsistent hand. “Red Dawn” = bad. “The Eye of the Scorpion” = good. “The Church and The Crown” = good. “Nekromanteia” = bad. “The Axis of Insanity” = good. This team have the potential to be as consistently good as the sixth Doctor and Evelyn or the eighth Doctor, Charley and C’rizz, but unfortunately Adrian Rigelsford’s “The Roof of the World” = bad.


However, whilst clearly another dip in form, “The Roof of the World” is at least head and shoulders above “Nekromanteia”. In fact, the first episode of this story is extremely

promising indeed - the Doctor and his companions arrive in Tibet for a game of cricket, and though little happens in the way of plot, it is a very enjoyable little episode which really plays on the strengths of all three regulars (who all give superb performances, particularly Morris). There is one scene which really stood out for me where Peri and Erimem are talking as the Doctor plays Cricket to their left, and if you close your eyes you could just be there - Gareth Jenkins’ sound design for this one is without a doubt some of his best to date.


Unfortunately, things go downhill from there. Part Two, in marked contrast, is set entirely within a pseudo-reality where Lord Davey (Edward de Souza) slowly tries to convince Erimem that she is dead. The episode is tortuous and plodding, and for me just did not

work at all.


The last two episodes of the story are certainly better than second, but still they come across as being little more than a flawed imitation of “The Abominable Snowmen”. These ‘dark forces’ or ‘Great Old Ones’ as they are referred to (first seen in the Whoniverse in David A McIntee’s debut novel, “White Darkness”) come across as rather feeble, and moreover, they just are not very interesting - far too unfathomable for my tastes.


However, “The Roof of the World” is a critical story in respect of Erimem’s development - particularly in how she deals with the mixed feelings that she has about her father - and it is has to be said that Rigelsford does handle her very well indeed. Nevertheless, were it not for the importance of this story to Erimem’s character and to her overall story arc, “The Roof of the World” would not be a story that I could recommend.


Copyright © E.G. Wolverson 2006


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