The End of Time - Christmas & New Year Special Reviews by E.G. Wolverson & Daniel Tessier ***NEW THIS MONTH***


As 2010 (that’s twenty-ten, by the way) began with David Tennant’s Doctor bowing out in what can only be described as the most epic of swansongs, we here at The History of the Doctor have decided to kick off the year with a look back at his reign which has, in the views of many, seen the show’s zenith.


To set this overview apart from the tenth Doctor’s regular page on the site, the blend of old and new reviews below are set out according to season and format, as opposed to from the Doctor’s unique perspective. However, all stories can still be scrolled through

in order using the ‘previous’ and ‘next’ links, and those wishing to view Ten’s timeline

on the regular page can do so by clicking the ‘Select Tennant’s Timeline’ link below.


Long-time readers of the site will also find that many

of the existing tenth Doctor pages have been suitably spruced up for the occasion with new screengrabs and publicity stills, and we’ve also got our Top Tens for Ten’ online (well, we couldn’t limit ourselves to just five stories, could we...?)


Top Ten... for Ten - by E.G. Wolverson, Daniel Tessier, Chris McKeon, Kory Stephens, Vicki Wolverson & James BoltonAnd on a final note, we’d all like to thank not only David Tennant for four fantastic years, but also all his companions and co-stars, as well as Russell T Davies; Julie Gardner; Phil Collinson; and all the people that made Doctor Who the monster that it is today.


Bring on Eleven...


New Earth - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)Tooth and Claw - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)School Reunion - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)The Girl in the Fireplace - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)Rise of the Cybermen - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)The Age of Steel - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)The Idiot's Lantern - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)The Impossible Planet - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)The Satan Pit - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)Love & Monsters - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)Fear Her - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)Army of Ghosts - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)Doomsday - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)

Smith and Jones - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)The Shakespeare Code - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)Gridlock - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)Daleks in Manhattan - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)Evolution of the Daleks - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)The Lazarus Experiment - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)42 - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)Human Nature - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)The Family of Blood - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)Blink - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)Utopia - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)The Sound of Drums - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)Last of the Time Lords - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)

Partners in Crime - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)The Fires of Pompeii - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)Planet of the Ood - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)The Sontaran Stratagem - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)The Poison Sky - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)The Doctor's Daughter - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)The Unicorn and the Wasp - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)Silence in the Library - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)Forest of the Dead - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)Midnight - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)Turn Left - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)The Stolen Earth - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)Journey's End - TV Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)

Born Again - Children in Need Special Review by E.G. Wolverson (2005)The Christmas Invasion - Christmas Special Review by E.G. Wolverson (2005)The Runaway Bride - Christmas Special Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)The Infinite Quest - Animated Special Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)Time Crash - Children in Need Special Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)Voyage of the Damned - Christmas Special Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)The Next Doctor - Christmas Special Reviews by E.G. Wolverson & Daniel Tessier (2008)Music of the Spheres - Proms Special Review by E.G. Wolverson (2009)Planet of the Dead - Easter Special Reviews by E.G. Wolverson & Daniel Tessier (2009)The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith - The Sarah Jane Adventures Reviews by E.G. Wolverson & Daniel Tessier (2009)The Waters of Mars - Winter Special Reviews by E.G. Wolverson & Daniel Tessier (2009)Dreamland - Animated Special Reviews by E.G. Wolverson & Daniel Tessier (2009)The End of Time - Christmas & New Year Special Reviews by E.G. Wolverson & Daniel Tessier ***NEW THIS MONTH***

The Resurrection Casket - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)The Stone Rose - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)The Feast of the Drowned - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)The Nightmare of Black Island - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)The Art of Destruction - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)The Price of Paradise - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)Wooden Heart - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)Sting of the Zygons - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)The Last Dodo - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)Wetworld - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)Forever Autumn - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)Sick Building - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)Wishing Well - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)The Pirate Loop - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)Peacemaker - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)Martha in the Mirror - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)Snowglobe 7 - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)The Many Hands - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)Ghosts of India - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)Shining Darkness - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)The Doctor Trap - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)Beautiful Chaos - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)The Eyeless - BBC Novel & BBC Audio Book Reviews by E.G. Wolverson & Daniel Tessier (2008/2009)The Story of Martha - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)Prisoner of the Daleks - BBC Novel & BBC Audio Book Reviews by E.G. Wolverson & Daniel Tessier (2009)The Slitheen Excursion - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2009)Judgement of the Judoon - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2009)The Taking of Chelsea 426 - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2009)Autonomy - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2009)The Krillitane Storm - BBC Novel Review by E.G. Wolverson (2009)


Top Ten... tenth Doctor Books - by E.G. Wolverson

Pest Control - BBC Audio Book Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)The Forever Trap - BBC Audio Book Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)The Nemonite Invasion - BBC Audio Book Review by E.G. Wolverson (2009)

The Rising Night - BBC Audio Book Review by E.G. Wolverson (2009)The Day of the Troll - BBC Audio Book Review by E.G. Wolverson (2009)The Last Voyage - BBC Audio Book Review by E.G. Wolverson ***NEW THIS MONTH***

I am a Dalek - BBC Quick Read Review by E.G. Wolverson (2006)Made of Steel - BBC Quick Read Review by E.G. Wolverson (2007)Revenge of the Judoon - BBC Quick Read Review by E.G. Wolverson (2008)The Sontaran Games - BBC Quick Read Review by E.G. Wolverson (2009)The Darksmith Legacy - BBC Books Review by E.G. Wolverson (2009)

Storybook 2007 - Panini Short Story Anthology Review by Daniel Tessier ***NEW THIS MONTH***Storybook 2008 - Panini Short Story Anthology Review by Daniel Tessier (2008)Storybook 2009 - Panini Short Story Anthology Review by Daniel Tessier (2008)Storybook 2010 - Panini Short Story Anthology Review by Daniel Tessier (2009)

Agent Provocateur- Graphic Novel Review by Daniel Tessier (2008)The Forgotten - Graphic Novel Review by Daniel Tessier (2009)The Whispering Gallery- Graphic Novel Review by Daniel Tessier (2009)The Time Machination - Graphic Novel Review by Daniel Tessier (2009)The Betrothal of Sontar - Graphic Novel Review by Daniel Tessier (2009)The Widow's Curse - Graphic Novel Review by Daniel Tessier ***NEW THIS MONTH***

 The First Doctor (William Hartnell)The Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton)The Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee)The Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker)The Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison)The Sixth Doctor (Colin Baker)The Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy)The Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann)The Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston)The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant)The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith)




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Unless otherwise stated, all reviews and articles are Copyright © E.G. Wolverson 2006.

  E.G. Wolverson has asserted his right under sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.


'Doctor Who' and 'Torchwood' images on this site are copyrighted

to the BBC and are used solely for promotional purposes.


'Doctor Who' and 'Torchwood' are copyright © by the BBC.

No copyright infringement is intended.